When you register at EgyIGCSE Forums , the first thing you do is exploring the site or let's say " The Forums " . Well , some of internet users till now don't know what the meaning of " a Forum" . Simply , a forum is a place on the internet  where people meet from all over the world sharing new ideas , posting news or even discussing their daily life , so we can Define FORUM as "an online discussion site."


Using Forums is not complicated or a hard task . All you do is CODING ! If you want to insert an image you click on an image button and insert it ...see so easy :D . Moreover , if you want to underline a text you highlight it and click on the underline button....writing in forums is similar like writing in Microsoft WORD.If you have a nice background in WORD you can do well .





  1. Discovering the Forums

  2. Usercp

  3. Editing Profile

  4. Sending Private Message

  5. Making a new thread

  6. Posting a reply

  7. "Thanks" System

  8. Reporting a member

  9. Know some ICONS